
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wedding Meeting: Week 3

Last week's wedding meeting really didn't happen, if I am being completely honest. I didn't stick to the rules of not talking about wedding stuff, but Josh didn't complain, so I figured that I would take advantage of it while I could. He said that I must not have been doing it in an annoying way because he didn't realize. Apparently it is possible for me to not be annoying while talking about wedding things. Go figure.

So we didn't have a meeting because I had mostly shared all of my ideas already and because we were adjusting to my new weekend schedule. So this week Josh wanted to talk on Saturday morning instead of Sunday, which was fine with me. We didn't have much to discuss but I did share some ideas for what our ceremony would include.

First of all, I discovered that Josh thought that not as many people would be going to the ceremony as the reception  which was news to me. I figured that people would be going to both. I have no idea though, I haven't been to many weddings.

Second I shared an idea that I had instead of lighting a unity candle, having a sand ceremony or anything like that. Those things were nice, but they weren't really us. And I just couldn't see us doing anything like that, but I did want something, other than the announcement of husband and wife, to symbolize that we were becoming one. So I saw the idea of tying a fisherman's knot. I think that it symbolizes marriage VERY well. The knot is so strong that the rope will break before the knot comes undone and the knot only becomes stronger when you put pressure on the rope. Also, we would be tying a knot (get it?!) and would be tying it with teamwork, which is what it takes to build a marriage. Luckily this idea was liked by the man. (Also, yes, I saw this idea on Pintrest, so shoot me. Everyone knows that they get all their ideas off Pintrest. At least I admit it. :) )

The third thing we discussed was a ring warming ceremony. I saw this idea on Weddingbee and liked it. Josh didn't like it as much. Basically, the couple passes the rings around the guests and asks them to send good thoughts and wishes through the rings. I thought it was a good way to make the guests feel involved in the ceremony, rather than just observers. It's something to think about.

Do you have any ideas of how to involve the guests in the ceremony? Also, how many people typically attend the ceremony as opposed to the reception?

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of the ring ceremony. You can apply that if you like. But for me, I should go with that idea.
