
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Searching for a Alternate Location

[This is the third time that I am trying to write this post, but I always end up ranting, so hopefully I get it right this time.]

As much as I would LOVE and it is so important to me to have my wedding in a familial backyard, I am not sure that it will work 100%. First of all, there is no rain plan. If it is sprinkling, it wouldn't be a big deal, but if it is raining raining, it would be a very big deal. Second of all, if it is at my mother's house, we would for sure need a shuttle, which is not in our budget, but my mom insists that there will be about 30 cars for 100 people, which I just don't agree with. Third of all, my step father thinks that our septic system wouldn't be able to handle the toilet flushing, so we would need a portable bathroom, which is not in our budget at all. There is very little wiggle room with everything that everyone thinks that we are going to need. It gets overwhelming.

Josh is also very sick of not knowing where the wedding will be. I am too. I have set a goal to know where our wedding will be by the time that I come back to Seattle on December 28th. That means that I will have to look at and decide on a place in two weeks. Josh won't be able to do the initial search with me (he will only be in town for 3 days), so that sucks. I wish he could be with me, but we knew that this would be a problem when we decided to have the wedding in Connecticut.

With that said, I have been scouring the internet for a venue in southern CT where you can have the wedding and ceremony outside, but can also move it inside if need be. There needs to be trees and things like that. It needs to have the "feel" of a backyard wedding. Apparently, these don't exist in southern CT. Apparently, I grew up in the section of CT where there are only wedding factories or wannabe wedding factories. Just when I started to write this I came across the same website for the third time. I am looking at all the same material over and over again!

There was one place that I found, but it is just over our budget, which isn't really great, but it's doable. It's in Norwalk, which isn't too far away and they have lodging there, since it is an inn. It's called The Silvermine Tavern Bed and Breakfast. I am not sure if they do an outside reception and ceremony, I didn't really look at the website too closely, but it looks really cute.

How cute would these chairs be for pictures?

Ah fall. I would love a fall wedding.

I am so sorry that this sounds like a rant (and in a way it is), but I just need some help. I am wondering if anyone has any ideas about where we might be able to have an outdoor wedding at a reasonable price around Orange, CT. I have thought about a state park, but do they usually provide electricity? And will it still feel like my wedding rather than a cool (and expensive) get together?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wedding Meeting: Week 3

Last week's wedding meeting really didn't happen, if I am being completely honest. I didn't stick to the rules of not talking about wedding stuff, but Josh didn't complain, so I figured that I would take advantage of it while I could. He said that I must not have been doing it in an annoying way because he didn't realize. Apparently it is possible for me to not be annoying while talking about wedding things. Go figure.

So we didn't have a meeting because I had mostly shared all of my ideas already and because we were adjusting to my new weekend schedule. So this week Josh wanted to talk on Saturday morning instead of Sunday, which was fine with me. We didn't have much to discuss but I did share some ideas for what our ceremony would include.

First of all, I discovered that Josh thought that not as many people would be going to the ceremony as the reception  which was news to me. I figured that people would be going to both. I have no idea though, I haven't been to many weddings.

Second I shared an idea that I had instead of lighting a unity candle, having a sand ceremony or anything like that. Those things were nice, but they weren't really us. And I just couldn't see us doing anything like that, but I did want something, other than the announcement of husband and wife, to symbolize that we were becoming one. So I saw the idea of tying a fisherman's knot. I think that it symbolizes marriage VERY well. The knot is so strong that the rope will break before the knot comes undone and the knot only becomes stronger when you put pressure on the rope. Also, we would be tying a knot (get it?!) and would be tying it with teamwork, which is what it takes to build a marriage. Luckily this idea was liked by the man. (Also, yes, I saw this idea on Pintrest, so shoot me. Everyone knows that they get all their ideas off Pintrest. At least I admit it. :) )

The third thing we discussed was a ring warming ceremony. I saw this idea on Weddingbee and liked it. Josh didn't like it as much. Basically, the couple passes the rings around the guests and asks them to send good thoughts and wishes through the rings. I thought it was a good way to make the guests feel involved in the ceremony, rather than just observers. It's something to think about.

Do you have any ideas of how to involve the guests in the ceremony? Also, how many people typically attend the ceremony as opposed to the reception?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Pretty Paper: Rifle Paper Co.

Ok, I am back. This week has been crazy and I am a little overwhelmed. I went from hardly working at all (because subbing was SUPER slow) to working a whole ton. I landed a job at Michaels, and subbing picked up, so I am now super duper busy and it has taken some adjusting. Not too much has been going on with wedding planning, since I haven't really had the time or energy to talk about wedding stuff, but it really isn't a pressing matter yet.

So today's pretty paper is a company that I enjoy. They have some really cool vintage looking stuff. While vintage stuff isn't really my cup of tea, some of these pretty little cards pull me in. It's called Rifle Paper Co. Take a look at some of my favorites.




Hope you enjoyed my selections and thanks for visiting again! Have a great Monday.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lack of Posting

I am so sorry for my lack of posting this week. In the past week, Josh's and my life has become super duper busy. On Friday, Josh found out that he got a huge promotion (yay!) and I found out that I got a second job (yay!). I started my new job on Saturday and worked all weekend, which is usually the time that I prepare my new blog posts. For some reason, it seems like everything is happening at once and I haven't had much time for anything but work, sleep, eat and clean the house (which never actually seems to get clean, funnily enough).

Anyways, I am not going to be posting anything else this week. I am so sorry, but I will be back next week with some new posts. Hope you all will remember me for next week! Thanks everyone for checking and please come back soon!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blue Suede Shoes

Ok, so maybe not suede, but hey, I'm flexible! I have recently decided that I would like to have blue shoes underneath my dress. Josh's favorite color is blue, and I would like to include little pops of blue in our wedding, though I am not sure where that will come in with all the yellow I am planning. Maybe some pops in my bouquet, but that's a separate post.

So I decided that I would look up some blue flats on Zappos and I found some that I like, but they are SUPER expensive! First of all, I don't buy shoes online.... ever. I have extremely sensitive feet and I need to try on shoes before I purchase them to make sure that I can walk in them, but I was just looking to see what was out there. This is what I found.


So I like the look of these and it is definitely a prerequisite for the big flower/pompom to be on the end. I could do a shoe clip, but I am afraid that if I was to order it separately the colors wouldn't match. The ones on the left are more shoe like, which is good, but they still don't look that comfortable. The ones on the right are more slipper like, and I wouldn't be able to do that all day. No support. I definitely like the bright blue. No dark blue for me.

I also really like the flats. Josh is tall, but so am I. I would rather have him towering over me than the other way around. I do NOT want to be 6'3" on my wedding day. Also, the heels might sink into the ground seeing as it will be outside. Also, if I wear heels for eight hours, I might not be able to walk for a week. Like I said sensitive feet.

Anywho, does anyone know anywhere that I can find blue flats for less than $50 online? I don't care about designers AT ALL. I just need some ideas. What do you think of my blue flats? Thanks everyone!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Wedding Meeting: Week 2

I decided that I would write about the general feel of our wedding meetings weekly (if I remember) because I would like a record of how they started, and if we get off course, then I have a record of what made it work and what didn't. 

This past week wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great. Josh forgot all about it, and so I had to remind him. The thing about this is that it's fine, but I want him to remember and want to talk about this stuff. I am sure that he will the closer it gets. In past posts I have talked about how it is so far away so it is hard to think that things that we talk about are not just speculation about our wedding one day. There is a day. It's set. It will be our anniversary for the rest of our lives (which is a weird realization in itself). So I understand where he is coming from, but, but I still want him to want to talk about it.

So this week I had made a breakdown of our budget and I shared it with Josh. I am not gonna lie, it's tight. And no, not cool tight. Tight tight. We CAN DO IT though. I have faith, and that was my question of the day for Josh. If I need reassurance about something I will ask him the same question over and over again to hear him say the answer. (Annoying? Immature? Oh well, it helps me.) 

So I ended up leaving the meeting generally feeling down. Hopefully next week will be better. Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!